Than one day out of the blue, as we were having a lunch at church in walks Mr. Pollard and a few of his workers. They were Carpenters for Christ builders that had found out we were trying to build a new church building. From that the ball started rolling.
Then first of June 105 men came from The Carpenters for Christ to put our church under roof. . It was amazing to see these wonderful men of God working.
All through the summer other church teams came, each doing
Thanks to all these wonderful people. We could never have done
it without them, along with our members and our wonder minister
and his wife brother Vola and Jeannie Brown. I do not have a picture of the outside as we are waiting on the weather to do the
landscaping. I will put a picture of it on at that time.
With my painting crafts and other things, I was to do murals in the children's rooms. Oh, my what have I gotten my self into I have never done this. So we began to plan our walls .Doronda and me began to gather graphics and pictures. We began just before Thanksgiving and painted 3-5 days sometimes 5-7 hrs a day.
Each day I prayed for God to give me strength and guide my hands to do my best job of painting that I could do The timing was perfect and it took my mind off me and the loss of my brother. I want to show them to you, they are not professional but the children love them and I am proud of them.
On Feb.14 2010 we moved into the new church. It is good to see God working there, have baptised eight in the new baptistry in just three weeks. Plus so many new things are happening.
There is a free medical clinic (non profit) one day a week that our members are giving of their time to make this happen. A doctor, nurse, and minister for physical and spirtual needs.
Plus a walking track.
Next post I will put on my murals.
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